Tomorrow's World, the Australian Initiative (ISBN 0-646-25211-9 and 0-646-25348-4)
What people said about Tomorrow's World
Tomorrow's World has attracted a great deal of interest and positive comment from readers in Australia and overseas. Here are some extracts from the many letters we have received from leaders of governments and business.
- "This publication illustrates the diversity and inventiveness of Australian achievements."
The Hon John Howard MP, Prime Minister of Australia
- "This book provides an important service by promoting Australia's best products and technologies."
The Hon Paul J Keating MP, (Former) Prime Minister of Australia
- "I congratulate you ... I think it is a very fine publication ..."
The Hon John N Button, Special Trade Representative
- "Tomorrow's World showcases Australian innovation and resourcefulness. It demonstrates Australia's capability in applying research to industry and in meeting society's needs."
The Hon Peter McGauran MP, (Former) Minister for Science & Technology
- "The book seems likely to answer a very real need for something to set out the real breadth and ingenuity of Australian scientific and technical achievement and capability. Over a number of years, our diplomatic missions abroad have bemoaned the lack of any prestige publication illustrating Australian accomplishment in these fields. It will, therefore, be a welcome addition to the inventory of books available for presentation to overseas visitors and to the influential clientele cultivated through our missions abroad."
Senator the Hon Peter Cook MP, (Former) Minister for Trade
- "I was very interested to read of the number and variety of innovations developed by Australians."
The Hon Jeff Kennett MLA, (Former) Premier of Victoria
- "It is sure to be a valuable contribution to the promotion of Australian technology and ingenuity here and abroad."
The Hon Richard Court MLA, Premier of Western Australia
- "I was greatly impressed by your publication ... the book left me very proud to be an Australian..."
The Hon Shane L Stone, (Former) Chief Minister (Northern Territory)
- "This book displays the vast array of talented Australians who are leading the way in many aspects of technology, science and many other fields."
The Hon Phillip Gude MP, (Former) Minister for Industry & Employment (Victoria)
- "You have effectively demonstrated in an authoritative and readable form ... that Australia has a fine record of discovery going back to earliest colonial times and continuing to the present. Your book will bring this home in an enjoyable form to all Australians. By illustrating so many examples of successful innovations, your book will give encouragement to inventors and scientists..."
Dr Charles S Barnes
- "I highly recommend this book to all who have an interest in invention and in particular, Australian innovation. This book provides an inspiration to all who read it... The true history of Australia and its people is finally being told."
Mr Andrew R Holt, Company Director & (Hon) President, Canberra Inventors Association Inc
- "If anyone has any doubts about Australia's capacity for technological inventiveness they should read this book. It should also be required reading throughout schools, colleges, libraries and financial centres..."
Mr Anthony M Smithyman, Managing Director, Cellabs Pty Ltd
- "...a most comprehensive account of current Australian science and technology and I am finding great use for it as a reference..."
Mr Lindsay Bevege, (Former) General Manager Corporate Public Affairs, CSIRO
- "With a good balance of photographs and carefully prepared text, I believe this book has succeeded ... in taking intrinsically complex material and presenting it in such a way that can be read and appreciated by anyone with an inquiring mind."
Mr Ian J Tamblyn, Project Co-ordinator LADS, BHP Engineering Pty Ltd
- "Anyone who reads your book (and it should be essential reading for all Australian high school students) will be left with little doubt that Australia is very much the clever country. I am also pleased that the book is very concise and easy to read."
Mr Dario J Toncich, Manager Research Activity, CIM Centre, Swinburne University of Technology
- "I wish somebody in the UK could do something similar over here...I found myself dipping in to it and learning more and more about innovations that I never knew came from Australia..."
Mr Derek C Fordham, Managing Director, Alain Charles Publishing Ltd, UK
- "It is an inspiring compilation of success stories and a joy to own. Every country needs to champion its champions."
Mr Hans von Michaelis, Publisher, Randol International Ltd, USA
- "It is a really splendid compendium of Australian ideas and developments and to those unfamiliar with the country puts it in a new light."
Mr Keith R Suttill, International Editor, Maclean Hunter Publications, UK
- "...the best description of Australian innovation I have ever seen. It also provides an ideal history of Australian initiative and invention. The layout and print quality is very high..."
Mr Bruce Reilly, Managing Director, Narellan Truck Wheel Align Pty Ltd
How Tomorrow's World has promoted Australia
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